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Mavraj and Koln in Bundesliga

The defender of the national team , Mergim Mavraj celebrated with his German team , Koln , the stay in Bundesliga. In the math played on Sunday , the team of the Albanian defender won 4-1 against Darmstad. Antoni Modeste scored twice , and two other goals came from Marsel Rize in the win of ...

UEFA’s magazine , a feature for Albania

The weekly magazine of UEFA dedicated a special feature to the historic success of Albania , qualifying for the first time in the finals of an European Championship. Three of the characters of this success , the coach Gianni De Biasi , the captain Lorik Cana and the striker Sokol Cikallesh , showed their ...

Ajeti , one match off , due to red card

The defender of the national team , Arlind Ajeti will miss only one match for Frozinone , after the red card against Verona in Chievo. The 22-year-old of the Albanian national team has made an excellent presentation with Frozinone , but his rough play costs him two matches , against Verona , for 5 yellow card ...

Abrashi and Agolli , math decides for the celebrations

The midfielder of the national team , Amir Abrashi and his team Freiburg are unstoppable, and their victory 3-0 against Duisburg puts them closer to Bundesliga. The math does not leave room for celebrations yet , but the 10 point difference with Nuremberg , shows that practically , everything is over. Even if the second ...